about us
Frogley Chiropractic Centerhow may we help?
Since he opened Frogley Chiropractic Center in 1995, Dr. Curt Frogley has provided exceptional chiropractic care to patients of all ages. Though we are in our third location, we’ve remained in our lovely town of New Bern all these years.
The Practice Mission
Our mission is to protect our patients from disease and malfunction caused by faulty nervous and immune system, educate patients, families, friends, employers, doctors, and staff of the importance of correcting this interference called a subluxation and continuing chiropractic care throughout life to encourage maximum health and to provide this valuable care to everyone, allowing all to express their fullest health potential.

Providing help and hope
Whether you’ve been putting up with chronic pain for years, wish you had more energy to play with your kids or are looking to improve your nutrition, we offer solutions. “We want you to know that we’re here for you and will help you with whatever problem you have,” said Dr. Frogley. If we can’t help you, we will refer you to a practitioner who can give you the care you need.
meet the doctors
With this program, we can help eliminate the toxins that have built up in your body from your daily life. These include chemicals in food, air, water and household products that create interference in the body. By removing the toxins, you can begin to help your body heal and restore its ability to remove the toxins naturally. Frogley Chiropractic Center is the only certified True Cellular Detox Practitioner in Eastern North Carolina.
book an appointment
Ready to get started? Give us a call today or book an appointment online!(252) 638-6222
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